One Question For Your CEO

If your could only ask your CEO one question, it should be the following:

"What are you doing to improve your skills and your character?"

If the answer only covers the former, then "danger, Will Robinson." 


More than likely he or she is running your organization into the ground.  It may not happen immediately, but it's happening like atrophy. 


  1. Thanks for the insights, Graham. Certainly this is an issue that has long been neglected-inside and out of the corporate world.
    I believe a great first step is to evaluate one area of character at a time. For example, honesty. Ask yourself how honest am I with myself and others. If you find areas needing improvement, then begin working on them. Maybe your tools for help will be a mentor, the Bible, a class, etc. By the way, this is trackable.
    I appreciate you understanding how big this issue is.

  2. Interesting point Eric , but how does one go about improving your character?
    Or is it the intention and search that make the difference?
    ..and which aspects of character are most important, integrity and honesty certainly.
    The character Institute lists 49 different characteristics (you’ll find them if you google charater training)
    It is an eye opener and many of thse qualities are notably absent from your typical leadership development programme.

  3. Eric, questions, if embraced without being defensive..are gifts which source curiosity and enable our wisdom to come to the surface. Thanks for this question! The danger you have identified is even more pervasive, followers take their cues from leadership…in the end, the entire population begins to “own the downfall”.
    Marc Michaelson

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