Where would we be without the media (Internet, paper, your organization, your boss, etc.)? Constant messaging about what's important-usually relating to their own selfish motivations. Wasn't it Hearst who said his organization was in the business of selling newspapers, not reporting the news? Regardless, you're hearing it everyday.
I mention the above to gage if any of the information we absorb is preparing us to lead. By now, I would think we know how important leadership is. Everyone would agree that quality leadership is vital in good times and in the crisis times. See the U.S. Congress for a great example of how some leaders never get this.
The problem lies in our reluctance to experience the upfront pain of growing and changing. For some this happens immediately, for others a little after the event or show is over.
Why do we give up and give in?
Here are some reasons to consider:
- The microwave oven. Take your growth and heat for three minutes, on high, and voila instant change.
- Success. We think our success says something more than it does.
- Busy lives. We say yes to everything and never learn the art of saying the leader's most important word; no.
- The media has convinced us that by becoming leadership voyeurs, we have all we need.
- We look for leadership love in all the wrong places.