In many ways our hard times produce tremendous opportunities. The opportunities I speak of are unseen.
For example, many chase money through their twenties and thirties. But a severe loss (job or investments to name two) makes one reevaluate the value of money. Maybe that person questions what was traded for all those riches. Maybe they long for the lightness of going solo or a quiet time playing with a child. Whichever, hard times often reveal and invite.
Here is a list (not exhaustive) of some things to do in your hard times:
- Take some time in the early morning to think-alone.
- Find those people who love you regardless of your net-worth and ask them some tough questions. For example; "how have I hurt you and how can I make it right?"
- Stop pretending! Be who you are and don’t look back. If you do this, happiness will slowly emerge.
- Don’t go negative. Negativity is a disease that eats the soul alive.
- Accept that change is a process. There are no quick fixes if you really want authentic change.
- Connect or reconnect with God. One reason He gave us the gift of a Son was to see us through (not around) hard times.