Engagement Again

Take a look at this post from The Engaging Brand blog.  I’m a believer in LinkedIn and what social networking can do, but Anna Farmery brings up some intriguing opportunities for organizations to use with their people.

Makes you think…what if:

  1. Social networking became the norm inside of organizations?
  2. Organizations would confront their fears of engagement.  Far too many are trapped in their policies and procedures?
  3. People used the power right in front of them-their network?
  4. Organizations would discard their dated approaches of finding and keeping talent?
  5. We embraced the wisdom of an Authentic Swing?

Guy Kawaski posted this some weeks ago on his own LinkedIn Profile Extreme Makeover.  Good tips…


  1. I would think that with social networking within a company can be powerful and also empowering for each individual worker. For me I realize LinkedIn is primarily there for when I move out of companies, but nothing internally when I want to enhance my career in the current workplace. Our company, Worksona http://www.worksona.com , helps people find the people they need (outside the org chart), achieve their career goals, and also connect them with co-workers. Let’s face it corps can be big and nameless, online social networking tools can help us put a name to a face.
    Since we are beta only at a few companies, let me know if you are interested in taking a look! =) Look forward to hearing from you.
    I’ll take a look at your site and get in-touch…thanks for commenting.

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