Wanted: New CEO

Now this isn’t meant to poke fun at CEOs, but wow!  Today is the day for many a resignation.  See this article from Bloomberg about McAfee and CNET.  Do you understand what the fuss is all about?  Hey, they just changed a few dates to make reality a little different than what it really was.

Not shocked here about the problem.  We (American Culture) have been playing this game of truth-lite.  You know what I mean…wink, wink, nudge, nudge.  But we are now seeing the results of this insane logic.  Sadly, the next group of executives (hopefully the ethical ones) are going to be so hamstrung by regulatory/legal scrutiny, not to mention employee cynicism, that getting on with the business of business will be very difficult.

Check-out my post on character and skills development.  It should be required reading for many executives.