This Fast Company piece reflects how rapid change is occurring…specifically in the book publishing arena. As many of you know, I’ve talked about this before. Look at the music industry for example. Since I’m writing a book, this is a very intriguing time. As I explore more ways to create "buzz" and audience around the idea of Epic Living, waiting for fame (as some have suggested I need) seems to be a pointless use of time.
So what kind of market could you revolutionize? Look around you…you might be surprised at how an industry or product is waiting for someone to shake it up. Might you be the person to do it? What ideas are you bouncing around in your head? Remember to revolutionize for the betterment of the world around you.
John Kotter said back in the late nineties that the first couple of decades of the twenty-first century would be a time of great change. He was right in more ways than one!
Let me know what you think.