All Around You

I read this over weekend from The Wall Street Journal Weekend…Peggy Noonan's book recommendations, I believe.  The content relates to Mother Teresa and a recent book by Joseph Langord.

    "In this book, based on her letters, writings and conversations, he tells of how
she came to serve "the least, the last, and the lost," not as a female Albert
Schweitzer but as "a mystic with sleeves rolled up." Father Langford tells the
story of her encounter on the train, of what was said, of what she heard, and of
the things he learned from her including, most centrally, this: You must find your own Calcutta.
You don't have to go to India.  Calcutta is all around you.

I added the bold and italics because of how much the statement means to me.  I hope it hits home with you as well.