Is your influence an ocean or a lake? Meaning, are you dynamic like the ocean vs. the calmness of a small or medium sized lake?
Those who have ocean-like influence are truly inspiring. They are like that classic movie where you’re at the edge of your seat throughout. A movie where you think about the "story" well after the conclusion. You laugh, you cry, you root for the heroic actions. These are the people who change your life…one heartbeat at a time. The ocean-like leader helps you discover life as you most wanted.
The lake-affect influencer leaves the followers bored, cynical and pessimistic. This type of leader is afraid most of the time, doesn’t know how he or she got there and is really not interested in their people at all. Don’t get me wrong, they appreciate their people when the camera is rolling or when their asked in a staff meeting. In many ways these folks are just "there." Just there for the ride…
Life is brief (as I know you know), so go find the ocean and experience all of dynamics you’ve dreamed of. You can’t afford to live in a lake…you awake one day to find you never really lived.