Twitter: Now I Get It

I signed up for Twitter in late 2007.  I didn’t really get it, even though I was inspired by Guy Kawasaki to do it.  Who really wants to know what I’m up to? 

Well fast forward and I got something from Penelope Trunk a couple of days ago.  So I decided to give it another shot.  So far, so good.  Maybe enlightenment has set in since I first started, because I really like it.  It’s short and sweet.  Twitter gives me a portal to do that.  I blog to inform and inspire in a detailed manner.  I will Twitter to give quick shots and moment inspirations.

Some have said that Twitter is a head scratcher, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Everyday life wraps a gift within 24 hours and I’ve found a way to give a few brilliant lights from my experiences.

The blog will continue to inform and enlighten in a detailed, what’s in it for you the reader way.

Start Twittering and discover how quick inspiration blossoms.

Money Ain’t Your Friend

Money ain’t your friend.  Easy for me to say, since I’m working inside of a start-up.  You might think I’m about to rant about all my troubles with funding, accounts receivable and the like.  But that’s not what this post is about-at all.  Last Friday I wrote about Money and Security and I want to give you some more information to help your view of money.  And you don’t have to leave what you do in order for everything to be ok.  I writing to your eyes and the window it creates.

Money is a tool and should never be allowed to become your master.  It should never be allowed to become a part of your identity or sense of worth.  It should be a slave in the hands of a person of high character.

For the better of my soul and my family, I learned this the hard and root way.  The root way means the change goes so deep there’s no turning back.  By the way, the root way hurts.  Experience is certainly wonderful and yet cruel (feels like that at times).

In my days in corporate America I only turned away for a moment and I was hooked.  I was young, ambitious and very confident (a lethal mix).  When success merges in, it creates a dangerous love affair.  I wasn’t paying attention and very few in the organization loved me enough to say a single word.  Especially those who were enjoying the party my drive provided them. 

Part of my motivation in writing the book came from not wanting everyone else around or far from me miss the above.  The Secret (chapter) titled; Don’t Chase Success is most relevant here.  I know I can’t save the world, but I can (potentially) change the world.  If I didn’t feel this way I wouldn’t be waking up everyday doing MMA against Goliath.

So here’s why money ain’t your friend:

  1. If left unchecked/mastered, it will drive a wedge between you and those you love.  Money left to it’s own devices loves control and total loyalty.  That leaves no room for love.  My wife, during my days in corporate America, would softly consent when I said I needed to push a little further and higher.  I didn’t realize what I was trading.
  2. Money comes and it goes.  Bill and Warren have traded here.
  3. Money will tell you that small desires are far more important than dreams.
  4. When money becomes your identity, you begin to mask insecurities and pretend that a new this or that will make you feel better.  It will, but only for a moment.
  5. All of these dangers apply to the poor and rich.
  6. If you don’t make money the slave, it will turn the table on you…slowly.
  7. Destiny is compromised when money is allowed have it’s way.

You must understand that this post is about a choice.  You can change your view if you want to.  You want to, don’t you?

Money and Security

In our careers (especially in America) we've been given the false impression that money equals security.  In many ways, we've turned the impression into hyperbole.

Money can provide security-the temporary kind.  But it lacks the cement that so many want it to be.  How many times have you said to yourself; "once I pay this off" or "when the stock hits X, I'm going to cash-out."  Something in you just feels better and safer at the thought.  It's ok, we've all been guilty of doing this.  A natural hope to say the least.

Sadly, we give so much attention to security of the temporary nature, that we ignore the security that matters-and lasts.  Like the man or woman who complains of no career options, while three recruiters wait on hold.  Our pursuits inside our careers and out may be the main culprits.

Here are what I consider to be the pursuits that provide long-term security:

  • Your work.  Not your employer or business (for the entrepreneurs).  Your work goes wherever you go.
  • Love (the real variety stays even when you find yourself on the outs).
  • Your destiny.  Once you find it, I can say this from experience, your destiny will never leave you alone.
  • Perseverance.  The vital element of a no-giving-up mindset.
  • Faith.  The belief in the unseen.  The eyes that can see a better future.

The pursuits above will not be mastered overnight-in a career or life-and will create some short term pain.  But I am an endorser who is living out the reality.  Ironically, if you embraced the five pursuits above, you'd find all the money you need because your definition of value and security would be rightly ordered.

Go ahead and cross the Rubicon.

I’ve Been Tagged/Memed

Nina Simosko tagged me for a book meme.  The rules go something like this:

  • List the books currently being absorbed
  • Pick up the book closest to you
  • Turn to page 123
  • Locate the 5th sentence
  • Post the next 3 sentences
  • Tag 5 more people

Here’s my contribution:

Books I’m Reading:

Meatball Sundae by Seth Godin – a book about not letting your marketing get confused.

Success Built To Last by Jerry Poras, Stewart Emery and Mark Thompson – a constant companion on my journey.  The book illustrates how many have married their purpose with success.

The Red Wine Diet by Roger Corder – I am a red wine lover and seeing how it can help medicinally is powerful.

A Work of Heart by Reggie McNeal – a book that comforts and keeps me sane, even though there are those that say it’s too late:)

Closest book:

Success Built To Last was the closest book at-hand.


" ‘When you’re swimming upstream in a nation where the average conversation is ‘what’s wrong with the children,’ and I am telling them what’s right with the children-well, that’s not a conversation that wants to be heard.’  So after 14 years of battling, of ‘seeing such lowered expectations for our children,’ Marva Collins started her own school, funding it out of her own pocketbook.  Collins believes she can change the world by helping children believe that the world would be a darker place without each of them. "

I will be tagging the following folks:

Ed Batista –

Matthew Scott –

John Moore –

Wayne Turmel –

Pinny Cohen –

Podcast with The Engaging Brand

As promised, you can click here to check out my interview (Escaping the corporate rut) with Anna Farmery of The Engaging Brand.  It would be an understatement to say that I enjoyed my interview with Anna.  She’s a great interviewer and host. 

Listening or watching myself is not easy endeavor for me (I’m my biggest critic), but after listening to the podcast I was most pleased about how the content reflected what I most wanted communicated about "waking up."

Thanks so much, Anna.

Open Post to Readers/Subscribers

On yesterday’s Epic Living Hour program I stated my appreciation for referrals.  I also want to take the opportunity to express the same in writing.

I have made every effort to make the Epic Living brand the highest quality possible.  Judging by the response from you-the reader/subscriber-I have done a good job of that.  Obviously, I’m always looking for more ways to make it better.

A few things occurred to me last week:

  • some might think I’m sitting on top of the world (a very dangerous place to be when you think about it). 
  • some might think this journey I’m on is one based on building a very successful business.
  • some might think my ideas spread on their own through this blog or my book.

I want all of you to understand that I have no desire to sit on top of the world and I’m only building a successful business so that I can spread the ideas contained in my heart and head.  And yes, the blog and book help. 

Here is what I think is most important:

  • Help from you in spreading the ideas.  This is done through your referrals (speaking, teaching, coaching/guiding, etc.).  I am grateful to all of you who have done this for me.
  • Help from you in telling others about this blog, the book, the radio show.
  • Creating win-win opportunities with you. 
  • Leaving a brilliant light behind.

I’m asking you to keep me present in your mind regarding those bold bullets above.

Thanks for being a part of the Epic Living fabric.

Book Signing with Barnes and Noble Part II

March_15_book_signing_008_2 This photo was taken at my book signing with Barnes and Noble last week.  It was great event.  I liked the format of discussing and signing.

March_15_book_signing_011 Patient fans waiting for a signature:)

March_15_book_signing_015 Not sure if Mr. Trump and Mr. Kiyosaki would want their book between Social Security Benefits and Personal Finance for Dummies.  But sometimes marketing is funny.  Thanks to Chip for pointing this out at the signing.

April 11 Epic Living Hour Radio Show

Friday’s show will focus on "The Evil Number Seventeen."  If you’re not familiar, we’re going to discuss how we dance with time.  Do we dance in step or do we find ourselves out of rhythm.

There will be life and work applications on the show.  Hope you can tune and/or call in.

Click here for show details.