Help Me With Questions

Ed Batista has a wonderful post today on asking questions. 

It’s easy to forget in our age of fast marketing and quick hit wonders, that asking questions implies you have a desire to listen.  I once read a column by Marshall Goldsmith where he put a couple of individuals to the test on listening.  Basically, he asked them to be silent for thirty seconds and not think about anything.  As you would imagine, it was a difficult test to pass.  But it revealed how effective they would be at listening to another human being without being distracted by a competing set of agendas.

I believe you must examine your heart motivation to determine whether you’re truly listening. Leadership development, career development, and people development flow from this river.  If this quarter’s numbers are all you care about (your choice, good or bad), then either tell the speaker its not a good time.  Anything less is counter-genuine.

The idea is to be authentic in the moment, your speaker expects that of you.

Share This

We’ve added a new (at least new for us at Epic Living) tool for the blog.  Share This is a neat addition to each of our daily posts.  It will allow you, the reader/subscriber, to…well…share the post with others.

I always appreciate your help in spreading the word about this blog and the ideas contained within.

If you’re involved in something where ideas need to be spread, I would highly recommend Share This.

Friday’s Epic Living Hour Radio Show

One of the most searched posts from this blog deals with the subject of insecurities.  Specifically, around how leaders can overcome their insecurities.  You can view the post here.

Friday’s Epic Living Hour radio show will be dedicated to insecurities and how to manage, if not handle them.  It will be a show for those who are out in-front or those hiding. Click here for show details.

The below clip from Unstrung Heroes will give you more context for Friday’s show…especially John Tuturro’s character Sidney:

Does an MBA Matter

In our hyper-competitive age, having an MBA matters.  I’m not saying that it truly matters.  I’m saying it matters to our culture.  Just like March Madness or the cost of oil does to many.  I have always believed that whatever education you choose should be fuel for your destiny.  Sadly, destiny doesn’t matter a lot for people caught in the whirlwind of competition and material success.  It’s more of an afterthought.

So, does an MBA matter.  I think it can if it is a part of the story that is your life.  Getting an MBA because it will increase your money-making power is not the best motivation.  I say that, knowing that many have obtained the degree for those reasons.  So if you’re considering putting in the time to obtain an MBA and don’t really have a vision for the future, then you may be placing your ladder on the wrong building.  Happens all the time.  More than you’d believe.

Here are some tips on how to value an MBA:

  • An MBA is only as valuable as the vision it supports.  For example, if you don’t have a vision about your career, then an MBA won’t help you.
  • An MBA should help you find a career made to last.  See Pinny Cohen’s piece on Choose a Recession-Proof Career.
  • An MBA should not be used to form identity.
  • An MBA is statement and not an entitlement.
  • Know your design!

Additions and Updates to Waking Up In Corporate America Site


We just made some additions and updates to the Waking Up site.  Here is a link to the Media Information page.  I am grateful to all of my subscribers who have referred me onto to outlets and organizations for engagements.

If you don’t know about the other things I do to spread the ideas of Waking Up, you can go to the Epic Services header to the right of this post to learn more.  Better yet email me so we can begin the conversation.

OK, enough of the shameless plugs:)

You Don’t Need Oprah

First, let me say, if one of Oprah’s producers called/emailed me I would respond.  But in the end, you and I don’t need Oprah.  Do I have something against Oprah?  Not in the least.  It’s all about what’s the most effective way to leave a brilliant life behind you.

Kevin Kelly and Guy Kawasaki have some compelling arguments in support of the above.  Even as you may see them as source of your desire.

The following list will give you more insight on why you don’t need Oprah (or anyone of her stature and scale):

  1. Your DNA demands that you follow a path that is greater than one held (imagined) captive by an A-lister.
  2. Find the few and reproduce within that group.  Jesus had only eleven learners and look what impact they’re still having. 
  3. John Wooden is well into his nineties and look at the ripple he has created.  By the way, his impact was forged in a game…a game.
  4. Eaglepointe Winery has refined the art of "less is more."
  5. If you need fame and fortune to feel better about yourself, you should get out of the business of people.  People are looking for a future brighter than the one they have now, and for leaders who will point in that direction.  Go make toothpaste; people will use it a lot and they won’t think about you and your need for glory.
  6. Shooting for mega causes you to embrace counter-genuine behaviors.

Those who are authentically into what you are doing are waiting for you to provide true value.  Don’t forget about their power.

April 5 Book Signing with Barnes and Noble

I’ll be signing and discussing my book on Saturday, April 5 at Barnes and Noble Easton (Columbus, OH area).  The setting is different than my previous signings.  I’ll have the opportunity to speak in a speaker-audience format. 

You can take a look at a Columbus newspaper’s mention of the event here.  Hope to see you at the event on Saturday.

Email: To Respond or Not to Respond

Scot over at Cube Rules posts this piece on email responsiveness. He has some helpful tips.

Scot’s post made me think of those who fail to respond.  I don’t think it is ever ok (with the exception of extreme circumstances like system issues, human mistakes, etc.) to not respond.  If you’re like me, there’s nothing that makes me angrier than a no response.  Don’t people understand the idea of bridges burned.  Besides, even if you don’t want what I’m offering, you can end the issue in one sentence or less and leave your reputation in tact.

So is it ok to not respond?  What say you?

March 28 Radio Show: Don’t Chase Success

Friday’s radio show will cover Secret 3 from my book.  The secret, Don’t Chase Success, will help you avoid the pitfalls of pursuing the dead end known as success.  I promise you won’t be disappointed with the alternative. 

Click here for listening and call-in information.

Check out the below video clip for a little context as well: