Hard Times

In many ways our hard times produce tremendous opportunities.  The opportunities I speak of are unseen.

For example, many chase money through their twenties and thirties.  But a severe loss (job or investments to name two) makes one reevaluate the value of money.  Maybe that person questions what was traded for all those riches.  Maybe they long for the lightness of going solo or a quiet time playing with a child.  Whichever, hard times often reveal and invite.

Here is a list (not exhaustive) of some things to do in your hard times:

  1. Take some time in the early morning to think-alone.
  2. Find those people who love you regardless of your net-worth and ask them some tough questions.  For example; "how have I hurt you and how can I make it right?"
  3. Stop pretending!  Be who you are and don’t look back.  If you do this, happiness will slowly emerge.
  4. Don’t go negative.  Negativity is a disease that eats the soul alive. 
  5. Accept that change is a process.  There are no quick fixes if you really want authentic change.
  6. Connect or reconnect with God.  One reason He gave us the gift of a Son was to see us through (not around) hard times.

Changing the World

I was thinking tonight about how far we’ve come in the land of work in America.  I’ve read about all the vast intelligence of hedge fund managers and the great money making prowess of corporate chieftains. But I find myself unimpressed. 

Where’s the authenticity?  Where’s the guy or gal willing to give it up for their family?  Why doesn’t Fortune give that a cover?  Maybe I’m feeling cynical…

We at Epic Living have recently struck some strategic alliances that I’m confident will change the world.  Not because we’re so smart or so money hungry, but because the products have you at their heart.  I know you may think I’m insane to run with the heart before the P&L.  Something in me says great organizations are built on heart. 

When was the last time someone cherished or cried over your business savvy?  During the time that I ran the halls of corporate America I was loved because of what I produced.  Sort of one-sided if you ask me.  Mark it…not trying to change the system, just seeing things as they were and are.

Would you like to change the world (starting with the one you live and work in)?

This Just In…

This just in…happiness is a choice.

The following outlines what I mean:

  1. Humans are imperfect, therefore they will fail you.  Sometimes people do it on purpose and sometimes not.
  2. If you choose to hang around unhappy people, then unhappiness will rub off on you.
  3. If being happy were easy…you know the rest on this one.
  4. Look at the lives of Billy Graham and Nelson Mandela to get some perspective on happiness.
  5. Don’t wait to make the decision.

The Right to Sell

We need to petition Congress to pass a new law.  I would call it the "Freedom to Sell Act". 

I have seen way too many salespeople (anyone involved in business development) bogged down in endless paperwork, meetings and the like.  They don’t spend enough time selling. 

It’s a given that I’m referring to professional salespeople who serve their customers.  This post isn’t for the amateurs. 

Now I understand that the best salespeople won’t work very long for organizations that don’t free them up to do what they do best.  But what about the professionals that are new or haven’t had enough at-bats?  What about those that haven’t decided on an alternative path?  Whatever the state, salespeople need to be doing sales at least 85% of the time.  Anything less is a recipe for frustration and mediocrity.

Why do organizations let salespeople and business development languish?  It’s mostly because the enterprise is run by people who have gone over to the dark side or they’ve never walked in business development shoes.  Maybe every senior leader should be required to make one sales call per month…a real sales call. 

An act of Congress would change the situation.  Ready to call or write?

Bill Evans and Design

This video captures a performance by Bill Evans.  Needless to say, when you watch and listen you’ll understand why I think its the most beautiful music ever.  Bill Evans had a gift that few are given.  He was designed and destined to be a great pianist.  I feel blessed to have made a connection with his music.

If you know anything about Bill Evans’ life, you know it didn’t live or end well.  Substance abuse and other issues ravaged him. 

A sad life set to such beautiful music.

How about you?  What great work and/or life were you designed and destined for?  You know it isn’t too late to find out.  Here’s a few pointers:

  • Accept today that you were made for a purpose (beautiful and meaningful).  Forget about anyone that says differently…they don’t matter and never will.
  • Stop doing, saying, hanging with anyone or anything that holds you back from becoming who you were designed and destined to be.
  • Get to know (knowledge is key here) Who designed you.

Why Personal Vision Matters (Part II)

I know a number of people in the mortgage banking business who are going through some very tumultuous times right now.  My prayers go out to them and their families.  There are a lot more people I don’t know in the mortgage banking business who are in same boat (see this article from MarketWatch.com) as the people I know. 

So what does this have to do with vision?  Everything!  Vision is not just seeing all the upside and happy.  It’s also seeing the downside and the not-so rosy picture.  How else can we navigate through (not around)?  If we only see things going our way, then we won’t be very good at dealing with the tough times.

Ever notice how often we talk about handling tough times when we’re right in the thick of it?  We’re like those companies that believe that markets will never fail us.  Or worse, the "it’ll never happen to me lie."  Casting vision when the storm is on you is very difficult.  By that time your fears have overrun you.

Not here to tell you to look for doom and gloom, but I am here to tell you the following:

  1. Tough times will come.
  2. A vision of how to deal with tough times is something that will serve you well.
  3. Stay away from churches, authors, speakers, organizations that tell you that you can have a problem-free life.  See Jesus’ thoughts on "trouble in this life."
  4. Read Nelson Mandela’s autobiography.
  5. Stay positive through whatever storm you experience.

Is today the day you will start looking at the entire picture of life and work?

If Only There Were No Customers

Caught this today from one of my favorite writers at Wine Spectator.  Jim Laube writes about a personal experience with bad attitude service ("Attitude Can Spoil A Dinner, Too").  Considering my post on AT&T, I thought Jim’s piece was certainly a connector. 

Do companies (large and small) vex over customers?  Do they stand in the back room or boardroom and lament over those pesky/demanding customers?

Here’s a news flash; no customer = no business!

I thought I would point you to Jim Logan’s blog also.  His post on ""What’s More Important In Business" is spot on.  Jim understands what businesses must do to get it right.  Maybe he should get with Jim Laube at Wine Spectator to find out the name and owner of that restaurant. 

You know…the one that seems bothered by customers?

Praise for AT&T…Sort Of

I’m really not piling on AT&T in this post.  But two weeks ago I got something in the mail that got me thinking.  It was a card alerting me that I was consistently going over on my cell minutes.  Great service I thought.  Then I remembered that I had called and changed my plan the week before.

Maybe it was just a coincidence.

Believe me, I know AT&T does some things right.  This isn’t about AT&T.  I’m speaking to service delivered by various large organizations.  Maybe the senior leaders of these large enterprises should do the following to make it better for the customer:

  • Spend 20% of their time with customers.  Interact with them, work with them and find out what makes them "tick."
  • Tie all bonuses to customer satisfaction.
  • Fire all employees who aren’t will to become customer-centric.
  • Get out of the business.
  • Require all employees to serve at a non-profit.

The Face Behind the Face

Want to know what your boss is really made of?  Want to know what your boss’ values are?  Want to know where you stand with your boss? 

The following is a list of ways to find out:

  1. Watch him or her when the pressure is mounting.  The best time to do this is during times of uncertainty in the business model.  Could be merger rumors or the second straight quarter of lower profits.
  2. Ask him or her if they’ve heard of ebosswatch.com.  This site helps workers rate their current and former bosses. 
  3. Determine how frequently your boss communicates with you…as in meaningful.  Lack of meaningful interaction is a sure sign that something is wrong.
  4. Ask him or her about what the better future (casting vision) looks like.  Give them credit for personal or business.  If they can’t answer that question, then they’re just along for the ride.
  5. Ask them what they’ve done in the last 6 months to grow as a leader.  Watch the eyes on this one.  A lot of blinking is a sign of fear and confusion.

Keep in-mind; there is an art to doing the above. 

How do you go about seeing the face behind the face?