Cheers to American Express

This is an ode to American Express.

I have my business credit card with American Express.  The division is actually named "Open from American Express."  I’ve also been a personal cardmember for almost 15 years.  But as you probably know, mistakes happen…the kind where the consumer (me) is at fault.

Some weeks ago I took Amex up on an offer with Wine Spectator Magazine.  The offer gave me three years of Wine Spectator if I upgraded to a business gold card.  It took me all of two seconds to act.

The mistake I made was in missing the date due on the old card, which really was the new card.  Wham, $29 late fee for missing the payment by days.  OK, fair is fair…the date due is the date due.  I decided to call and ask for a waiver of the fee…

The guy I talked to, Jason I believe, was polite and seemed genuinely glad to speak with me.  After I relayed (I hope you’re still with me) my story, he took about 15 seconds to say "no problem we’ll take care of the fee for you Mr. Pennington."  Wow! Remarkable (obviously if I’m writing about it)!  Surprising!

Before you think this is normal for service providers, take a look at the following list of unnamed service providers who’ve made it hard (mistake or not) to do business with them:

  1. Multiple credit card companies…competitors of American Express.
  2. Furniture retailers
  3. National grocery store chains
  4. Regional automobile dealers
  5. Appliance manufacturers
  6. Regional banks

I could keep going, but cheers to American Express for being a true business partner.

Valuing Your Network

I found this post today from Tim Sander’s blog titled "Ping Your Network".  He hits a home run on valuing your network.  Whether looking for a career opportunity, selling a book or just encouraging in the moment it is well worth your time to reach out.

Here are some reasons we don’t stay connected to our valued networks:

  1. We think we’re alone in the universe.  How many times have you thought you’re the only one going through something?  If honest, we’d say a lot.
  2. We think we’re bothering others.  If you’re reaching out to take only, then you’re probably bugging people.  However, if you’re doing it to give and encourage, you might be surprised at how welcome your "ping" might be.
  3. We don’t understand the power of relationships.

Start today by seeking to give and connect…the successes will follow.

A Different Approach

800-CEO-READ has an interesting review of a new book entitled Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose.  There are some quality organizations profiled and the authors assert that these organizations hold in tight tension the desires of all stakeholders.  I don’t know if that’s truly possible, but you can’t argue with the results of a Whole Foods.

I admire any organization or individual that is driven by their purpose and passions.  Not only is it rare, but it is courageous.

Can you or your organization be successful pursuing these ends?

A Sense of Heart

Yesterday I met the most wonderful animal.  It was a horse…a race horse no less.  I’m not planning on investing in a race horse, but I would consider it based on the gift this fine creature gave me.

As of late, my blues have been the deepest hue of blue one could experience.  I will save those details for a different post and/or book.  My chance encounter was due to an unusually warm day in March yesterday.  We were above seventy and the sun was smiling on us.  My wife and kids really like horses, so we decided to visit a horse farm near where we live.  I went along as driver and spectator.  Little did I know…

The horse’s name was "Little Red" and a two-year old as well.  I was attracted to the horse’s auburn color…I guess the her name was fitting.  As I stroked the horse, it propped it’s head on my shoulder and stayed there for what seemed a lifetime.  It seemed to know the meaning behind every beat of my heart.  Inside I felt like I had met someone who understood…sensed my sadness.  See this article from VetMed Resource on horses and their emotional radar.

I have had other times in my life where not many have understood my steps.  Yesterday I felt that horse knew more about my state than any human on the planet.

Be open to accidents and what they may bring.

Just Be Nice

I know many out there are prescribing the cure for better customer service…I think that’s great because customer service really can be a contradiction in terms. 

Here’s my contribution to the discussion:

  1. Require all associates touching customers to "just be nice."  No matter the situation, no matter the personality of the customer…just be nice.  Organizations might be surprised at what affect this has on customers.
  2. Senior managers read the definition of accountability and go live it…enough said.
  3. There’s something about the golden rule that works.
  4. Organizations need to be honest and just let the customer know that the service sucks.  That way we’d be somewhat prepared.  Setting expectations is everything.
  5. Innovate and wow the customer like Apple does.  See their new store on DAP Review.

Engagement Again

Take a look at this post from The Engaging Brand blog.  I’m a believer in LinkedIn and what social networking can do, but Anna Farmery brings up some intriguing opportunities for organizations to use with their people.

Makes you think…what if:

  1. Social networking became the norm inside of organizations?
  2. Organizations would confront their fears of engagement.  Far too many are trapped in their policies and procedures?
  3. People used the power right in front of them-their network?
  4. Organizations would discard their dated approaches of finding and keeping talent?
  5. We embraced the wisdom of an Authentic Swing?

Guy Kawaski posted this some weeks ago on his own LinkedIn Profile Extreme Makeover.  Good tips…

Time or Results

Do you work for an organization focused on your time or your results?  Now I know most organizations say they focus on results, but often that can be mere talking points in a meeting.

Let’s say a person is in sales and the agreed upon goal is 20% growth per year.  They hit this goal year-in and year-out, but it’s done by working 4 hours per day, five days a week.  Some might say; "hey if he/she worked another 4 hours they could produce even more."  What I didn’t mention was this person has three kids, elderly parents and volunteer passions. 

I’m of the mind that all people have allegiances, but sadly work tends to get the lion’s share of the time…at the cost of other people and passions.  Don’t get me wrong, if you don’t produce results in your area of expertise then all bets are off.  No organization should keep someone around if they don’t consistently produce results.

I found this post (Can Government Policy Change Corporate Culture) on the Wall Street Journal’s blog The Juggle.  It speaks directly about government’s role in shaping corporate culture.  It made me think about how many organizations could take the lead and shape a culture where results are the focus, not time.  When that happens families are nurtured, sick parents can be cared for without guilt and many more of society’s problems could be remedied. 

Give me your thoughts.

The Real Brand

Caught this post on Building a Personal Brand from The Engaging Brand today.  It makes me think that you and I are the real "brands" out there.  Far too many have given up on this principle.  This is truly a tragedy!

In my upcoming book, "Waking Up in Corporate America" I address personal branding in the final chapter…seems fitting.  The following is a brief excerpt from that chapter:


Ludwig van Beethoven is quoted as saying, “I do not write for prestige or honor.  What is in my heart must come out.  That is why I compose.”  What if we lived out his statement?  What if what is in our hearts is the key?  What if our personal brand (brand you) is the thing we should be focusing on?  It may not surprise you to know I’m sold out on Beethoven’s statement!  My quest is to assure that what is in my heart gets out.  Care to join me?

When you reach the finish line, will you be measured by how much money you made or how long your title was?  No, you will be measured by your legacy, which in many ways is your brand spread out for the entire world to see.  There is nothing wrong with making lots of money along the way, and I am in favor of great success of all varieties.  But success should be a by-product of living what is in your heart.  And believe me, your heart is the best place to begin defining your brand.  Your heart doesn’t lie, it doesn’t ignore, and it isn’t looking for approval from the outside world.  Oh, that we would listen to our hearts and have the life well lived.

One of the best examples of listening to the heart comes from my dear friend Clay Biggs.  Clay is a fine musician (he plays the drums), and I’ve known him for almost twenty-five years.  Music is what brought us together.  Clay and I dreamed as teenagers we would play music for a living.  Visions of fame and fortune danced in our heads.  One thing was true of us as well, we were very insecure—insecure about how good we were and whether we could make it. Unfortunately, these insecurities (along with other pressures) choked out the desire to be living, active musicians.  This was sad because we were wired to play and communicate through music.

Fast-forward, almost twenty years later, and Clay is playing again.  He plays more than I can believe, but what is most inspiring and sweet is Clay’s perspective.  He now is secure! He’s free from the burden of making it and free to pursue what is in his heart.  Strange as it may seem, Clay is now better prepared to express his gift than when he was more energetic and goal oriented.  This is not to say he lacks energy and goals.  On the contrary, he has them…they’re just new and more mature.

Now Clay is comfortable in his own skin.  He knows who he is and what that means.  How did he do it?  Clay would tell you he is a work in progress.  One event that had tremendous impact and defined a lot of what is occurring now was the death of Clay’s father almost four years ago.  Clay loved his father deeply, and the reality of his passing set Clay in place.

Though Clay has never told me directly, I believe he came to a point where time started to matter.  The idea of time mattering is foreign to many.  It is usually embraced by the dying or those who’ve lost deeply.  Clay realizes he won’t live forever and, while he has the energy, he must truly live.  For Clay, part of truly living is playing music, his beautiful brand for all to hear.

So as you’ve discovered, the heart is a key component in unearthing and manifesting brand you.  You have to stop holding your heart back because you fear you won’t be a worldly success.  Get the order right and you’ll see the harmony.  A key question is whether you and I are willing to take on the process of creation and living.  It is not easy, and many ignore this path.  If you plan to be truly successful, however, you’d better get comfortable with your heart and what’s in it.  The journey is worthy of your best.