This article from Forbes is an interesting review of a new book on Apple. Ever wondered why Apple seems to be continually growing? A culture of innovation seems to be the difference maker. Of course risk taking ranks up there as well, but certainly new ideas and new products are key. Why doesn’t GM or Citigroup move in this direction?
So how do you foster a culture of innovation? I don’t claim to have all of the answers for that, but one thing is for sure you have to believe that you can never be comfortable. Some call that growth…I would agree. Human beings like things to stay the same. Human beings like things predictable. Ironically, life doesn’t live this way. Funny how businesses/organizations hit their version of success and then they relax mentally. They perceive success as a place to protect. That is the beginning of the end. An organization begins to see risk and innovation as a threat. Oh sure, they’ll make innovation a "talking point" in a meeting, but truth is they really don’t want to rock the boat.
Risk taking and innovation are the essential elements of phenomenal growth. Yet, the smartest people in the room can’t seem to get their arms around that.