The world changes when influence is used to grow people. People begin to be inspired and energetic. They use the conditions and environments to reconnect themselves, in addition to the outside world. This is a type of reconnection that opens up possibilities—possibilities around something greater than any one individual. Self-serving people need not apply.
It’s a powerful reality when you experience a leader who desires to use their influence to help others. The best organizations apply this; they don’t look at influence as an accidental encounter. This type of entity realizes that accidents happen ten percent of the time; the other ninety percent is about choices. Best-in-class organizations are on purpose about it. They formalize it by programs, behaviors and execution. Sadly, low performing organizations sit idly by wondering “what’s all the fuss about?”
We can’t wait for corporations, churches or associations to make this a reality. Seize the opportunity and apply this to your personal life. A key advisor once told me how she had to take ownership of her influence. Sheila was always confident, but her career wasn’t stimulating and most of her superiors didn’t seem interested in her aspirations. This led to a variety of dead-end streets. She would master a certain discipline then quickly become bored. Managers would ask her to be involved in projects that quickly became uninspiring. Sheila realized that it was time to take her rightful place at the table of influence. After years of letting others control the impact of her influence, she knew that her life was ebbing away. She came to a crossroads (as we all do), and chose to follow a path of authentic influence. Sheila was comfortable with the fear, the doubt and the uncertainty that comes with this type of move.
There is always a price for these types of decisions. She knew it wasn’t’ going to be easy, but she understood that many times it’s about an act of our will. Sheila has never looked back. I had the privilege of watching her grow over many years. Not often do you get to see this type of transformation, it was a blessing indeed. Sheila went on to succeed in many different arenas (education, business and non-profits) that our culture recognizes as great. But if you were to ask her today about the choice to embrace her unique influence, she would say it was all about the “choice.” Without a doubt, Sheila is truly remarkable.