Can You Trust Your Heart?

Van Morrison once wrote; “if my heart could do the thinking and my head began to feel.”  Those words describe the internal civil war we all face at one time or another.  As lovers, writers, investment bankers or pilgrims the battle wages.

Make no mistake, I don’t advocate throwing the brain to the curb.  But the heart is a compass to be trusted.  Some accept and embrace the proper role of the heart…some do not.

In many aspects of life we are programed to believe in the logical and doubt the illogical.  For better or worse destiny pays no attention to either.  Some of my greatest moves were rooted in the illogical, and believe me, I had a number of people walk away because of it.  By the way, opposition to your ideas (or heart) is usually a sign that you’re onto something.

I wish I could spare you the times when you’ll have to trust your heart and face a path that no one will follow you in.  Those are the defining times when legacy is cemented…

Here are a few things to consider as you seek to follow your heart:

  • Sometimes your heart will say no.  Life was never meant to be “fantasy island.”
  • Prepare for many to think you’re a nut for following your heart.
  • Check out the lyrics to Peter Gabriel’s Solsbury Hill and see if you can get a little inspiration.
  • Some roads will be lonely and will require you to go it alone, but not forever.

You can trust your heart.