Daniel Day-Lewis and Your Career

Daniel Day-Lewis is arguably the greatest actor of our time.  His approach to his craft is-to say the least-intense.  He is a tremendous example of pursuing what you do with full passion.  What if we did the same with our own careers?  Greatness would be the result.

For better or worse, the choice is ours.

Take a look at the interview below with Mr. Day-Lewis and see if you can’t pick up some career advice.

Career Trends

Penelope Trunk posts this piece on The End of Work As We Know It.  It reveals much on future trends in the work place.  I’ve written and many of you have heard of the changing demographic that is the American work scene.  Penelope gives us some very futuristic thoughts on how it will all play out. 

Do you think people (workers and senior management) are preparing for what might occur in the next 5 years?  Judging by the way many manage their health and money, the answer would be "no preparation in progress."  Not to mention, the spell of fear and greed that many organizations are currently under.

A changed environment for work would be a good thing.  But a changed work place without changed people would be disastrous.

Here are some tips on how to be ready for a new work environment:

  • Know thy self well.  In other words, take an inventory of what you have to offer, write it down and act on it.
  • Embrace change, because it is a sign of your learning.
  • Distrust comfort (specifically mental).  Comfort is the place where die and don’t get buried.
  • Deal with your insecurities.  This might be your greatest challenge.  Let’s face it, dealing with our baggage can be painful.  Just the same, deal with your insecurities.
  • Surround yourself with people who want to see you win.  Let other people hang around the critics and nay-sayers.
  • Learn the art of vision (your preferable future).  Failure in this area will leave you vulnerable to someone else’s dogma.

Facing Down the Future…Coming Fast

Couldn’t resist using a lyric from Neil Peart to title this post.

I’ve spent much time and voice on the issue of the changing demographic in the workplace.  Especially, the opportunity for you and the lack of preparedness on the part of corporate America.

Today’s post (with some comments from yours truly:) from Inside Work is more thought around the issue.

Here are some questions to ask as you consider the future work environment:

  • Do you know what value you bring to the table?
  • Have you been deliberate with your network?  Check out Christine Comaford-Lynch’s site for some thoughts.
  • Have you thought about going solo?
  • Are you living out what you were meant to do?
  • Do you believe that change equals learning?

If any of those questions stump you, I can help bring clarity.  Email me.

Mind, Body and Soul

If your organization/employer came to you, in a moment of great lucidity, and said the following:

  • "We haven’t discussed our true desires before, but we felt it important to address them now.  We do require all of you…that means mind, body and soul in our efforts and goals.  Are you willing to do this?"

Even if you haven’t had the type of discussion I mentioned above, my guess is your organization might be carrying an unspoken expectation of the same.  Is that so bad?  I think it is…

Tell me what you think.

Figuring It Out

Caught this post from Jim Logan on “Making Sense of What, Why and How.”  He’s right and I think there is one additional point to me made; how does experience factor in on learning.

Much instruction today comes from our belief that a “discipline” can be dispensed in one swoop (classroom, seminar, etc.).  Reality says, as humans, we’ve all come to learning with a great deal of baggage…good and bad.  This baggage weighs heavy, but we’d never admit that.  For example, a childhood full of criticism renders many ineffective…even for those who have outward signs of success.  We humans are good at wearing masks and playing the game of “I’m OK, you’re OK.”  Ever wonder why many organizations have a leadership vacuum?

Experience will allow the learner to figure out much on their own.  Simply because experience is a very giving teacher.  Sort of like some organizations incenting people when they make mistakes.  Experience will teach you, if you let it, like no other form of education.  Experience is REAL!

Some years ago when my wife shouldered the majority of responsibility in raising our kids, I could be found telling many people how tough a job she had.  I did this out of respect, love and encouragement.  But it wasn’t until I had to take her role (primary caregiver) on that I truly understood what she did and experienced.  It was only through experience that I learned.

What say you?

The Love Affair

Ever thought about how much time you spend working?  Ever thought about how much of your identity is shaped by work?  Ultimately, I’m speaking to those that work eight or more hours per day in an organization (profit or non-profit).  Much has been written about the work place and all of the dysfunctional goings on.  But where should all of this land, in light of LIFE?

Some of you will spend thirty or more years working.  Your happy, your sad.  You get a promotion, you get fired.  As someone whose experienced all of those things, I can tell you that my life is not measured in large portion by work.  I am learning more and more each day that what matters is what is in my heart.  My life will be truly defined by that.  Even more importantly, will what’s in my heart “get out?”

Many of you are thinking that you can’t put time and focus on things of the heart.  If you’re reading this then you’ve been given the gift of life, therefore successs in the things of the heart is what you should be pursuing.

By the way, you’ll be more of a success in your work when you pursue being a success in the things of the heart.