"Never trust a leader who hasn't suffered."
-John Eldredge
I've heard it many times before that who we really are is revealed in crisis. I didn't fully own that reality until I tasted my own crises. Taste is a humbling thing.
I'm sitting at church yesterday and we're listening to a message on marriage relationships. And it occurred to me that my wife is probably the only human on the planet that can speak with authority on who I really am. I did think about running out screaming a few choice words, but I refrained.
Last night I asked my wife about what she saw when I was exposed and found transparent a few years ago. She told me she saw change. The foundation/core was consistent with who she knew me to be. But there was a change being formed before here eyes-with pain included.
So why the attempt at avoiding the crises? More than likely most have never been mentored/taught on the benefits. Let's face it, we tend to prefer the yellow brick road. I think the road to ruin is paved that way. It's difficult these days to dispense words like these because there are far too many messages to the contrary. Competing with those messages authentically can be a challenge. I'm glad my heart is in this.
The conclusion is this; leaders are defined in the times of exposure and transparency. This applies to all of us.