Additions and Updates to Waking Up In Corporate America Site


We just made some additions and updates to the Waking Up site.  Here is a link to the Media Information page.  I am grateful to all of my subscribers who have referred me onto to outlets and organizations for engagements.

If you don’t know about the other things I do to spread the ideas of Waking Up, you can go to the Epic Services header to the right of this post to learn more.  Better yet email me so we can begin the conversation.

OK, enough of the shameless plugs:)

April 5 Book Signing with Barnes and Noble

I’ll be signing and discussing my book on Saturday, April 5 at Barnes and Noble Easton (Columbus, OH area).  The setting is different than my previous signings.  I’ll have the opportunity to speak in a speaker-audience format. 

You can take a look at a Columbus newspaper’s mention of the event here.  Hope to see you at the event on Saturday.

March 28 Radio Show: Don’t Chase Success

Friday’s radio show will cover Secret 3 from my book.  The secret, Don’t Chase Success, will help you avoid the pitfalls of pursuing the dead end known as success.  I promise you won’t be disappointed with the alternative. 

Click here for listening and call-in information.

Check out the below video clip for a little context as well:

March 15 Book Signing with Barnes and Noble

The below photos are from my book signing with Barnes and Noble (their Pickerington, OH location) this past weekend.  We sold some books and more importantly we connected with those who bought.  What could be better?


Smiling for the camera and the magazine racks (tons of magazines).


Great friends who came by to spur me on.  The son was a little reluctant, as you can see.


Smiling with every signature.

March_15_book_signing_007My great friend Rick Williams.  The perfect last photo of the day.

Trading the Intangible for the Tangible

I recorded a podcast with Anna Farmery of The Engaging Brand a couple of weeks ago.  I’ll link to the podcast in the coming weeks.  It was a great conversation and I understand why her blog is called engaging.  She did a great job in allowing me to articulate my thoughts on having a great life as well as a great career.  But it was her father’s advice that is still resonating with me.

Anna told me that her father once advised that the intangible things of life can never be satisfied by the tangible.  See Lennon and McCartney’s take (Can’t Buy Me Love).  You might say "of course, Eric."  But why do so many people try to do what Anna’s wise father warned us not to?  Don’t have enough space to address all of the reasons here. 

The following outlines some reasons why we’ve taken the bait:

  • We deceive ourselves into believing that the temporary feelings we experience will last.  You know what I mean; "now that I am ____ life will start to go my way."  Tangible things were never meant to last.
  • The intangibles are hard, the tangibles are easy.  Need I say more on this one?
  • Our wonderful friends in the media keep telling us that intangibles are not important and tangibles are. 
  • We think more like consumers than we’re willing to admit.
  • We don’t pay attention to history.  History will tell you that Love matters.

I am a man who attempted some of the above and I failed like many before me.  My conversation/podcast with Anna reminded me of how fortunate I am that I woke up. 

Here’s to all of the mystery, tears, hope, disappointed, and Love the intangibles bring.   

Blog Subscriptions

You can subscibe to my blog in one of two ways:

  1. By email.  Just add your email in the box under Epic Subscriptions.
  2. If you have a feed reader, just click on the Subscribe in a reader on the left-hand column of my blog.  It’s an easy and efficient way to get these posts as I write them.

Thank You and a Plug

This post is a thank you and a plug for other Epic Living offerings.

First, if you are a subscriber Thank you (notice the capital T).  I am indebted to you for the support you give.  Second, if you are a regular viewer, Thank you as well.  I appreciate the tuning in.

My partner thinks I need to be more intentional about telling you what I do-besides writing a blog and a book.  The motivation is to spread my ideas further than we do today.   

The next few posts this week will be shameless plugs about other parts of the Epic Living experience.  So as a start, click here to learn more about my speaking practice.

Email me with your questions.

Digging Out and Rescheduled Book Signing

In my area of Ohio over the weekend we got about 20 inches of snow-a record!  My kids loved it and my book signing was rescheduled.  Blizzards can do the strangest things:)

If your in the Columbus, Ohio area next Saturday (March 15), I will be signing my book at the Barnes and Noble in Pickerington.  The signing runs from 2 – 4 pm.  Hope to see you there.