When you’re on hold with a large organization, do you like the background music and messages? You know; "thank you for choosing (fill in the blank) we appreciate you and your business."
Well, have you ever wanted to throw the phone against the wall because the company doesn’t come close to living up to the slogan? Today, I experienced just that. I live in suburbia where trash removal is just another part of taking care of things. My appreciative provider is Waste Management. And yes, they play music and messages while you’re on hold that claims how much they appreciate the business.
I won’t bore you with the details of my disgust, but they need a disclaimer before they play that lousy music and message. Something like; "the information you are about to hear reflects our own delusional belief that we really care about our customers. In truth, we only care about our revenue and expenses and you are nothing more than means to an end."
Think I should change trash removal services?
Yes yes yes,
I so agree.