History Lessons

OK, you work with someone for ten years and then it happens…

You realize that something special has been built between you.  A bond, a trust, above all a relationship.  Its withstood good times and bad, good markets and lousy ones.  Interestingly you don’t figure this out until he tells you he’s moving to Vegas or Tahoe.  And so it goes, we don’t get it until the end.  More than likely you’ve encountered what I’m speaking of…maybe under more grave circumstances.

It doesn’t need to be like I described above.  Here’s how you can stay "current:"

  1. Practice the exercise of milestones.  Create a time line and mark all of the milestones in your relationship.  All the significant events you’ve experienced together.  This will renew and cause you to be thankful.
  2. Tell the person "thank you."
  3. Remind yourself regularly that life is made of seasons…nothing stays the same.
  4. Don’t let work become bigger than your relationship.