Think of the roles you play and ask yourself the following question:
"Do I feel alive doing/living this?"
If the answer doesn’t come immediately, you’re probably not fully engaged, not fully alive, or dead. Don’t panic! Check your breath in the mirror, if it fogs up, there’s still a chance. Wake up! There will be a point in your life where you will fail the mirror test, until then wake up!
The critics (remember nobody remembers the critics) will say that what I’m advocating is not realistic. Forget them! What’s more realistic than living out who you were made to be? We’ve been duped into believing that its crazy to be who we truly are.
You might be surprised at how many famous, rich, beautiful and smart people are not living out this reality. They have resources, but are bankrupt inside. The corporations and well-intentioned advice givers have tried to choke out our destiny, but that voice will never be silenced. Don’t allow your dreams to be the inheritance of the grave.
While you have time (nobody knows how much), be willing to fail at the pursuit of your dreams, rather than the successful compromise of them.