An old mentor of mind once told me that life is like Hebrew, you need to read it backwards to understand it. This is also known as, “connecting the dots.” Whichever version you prefer, the statements are true. One area that should be considered as well is the impact our choices (conscious choices) will have on the text we read. Our lives are very much like a book. Each of us having a beginning, middle and an end. All of the elements adding up to a legacy.
Think about the following when you’re making those conscious choices:
1. All choices have consequences, good or bad. This reality should help you understand how important our decisions are.
2. Get a mentor/advisor…they will give you clarity.
3. Don’t have more than five priorities in life. Limited priorities will reduce stress and confusion.
4. Know yourself, and then follow your gut.
5. Wisdom from God is the best wisdom of all.