Even though Guy Kawasaki does a little advertising for LinkedIn, I thought you’d appreciate his insights on Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn.
Networking has been essential for me, and as a people lover I wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to connect. Whether you use LinkedIn for job hunting, business building or general connection I think you’ll benefit.
Very informative publish here. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I’ll certainly be back again.
LinkedIn has been an incredible tool in my personal
business-networking, and Guy’s article sums up the enormous advantages of using it as a corporate tool, and what a variety of purposes it serves
If you are interested, the networking expert Jan Vermeiren has written a new book called ‘How to REALLY use LinkedIn, and there is a free light version at http://how-to-really-use-linkedin.com
Also be sure to check out TopLinked.com, which is just what it sounds like – links to the TopLinked people on LinkedIn http://www.toplinked.com