Make It About Someone Else

You’ll advance the condition of the world around you, by making your pursuits about the condition of others.  This is not easy!  But the best leaders understand that what they do is truly measured by those they serve.  It makes for a powerful legacy…think about Peter Drucker, Billy Graham or Mother Theresa.

Sometimes the business world stands in opposition to the above.  Sadly, many organizations would be better (profit and otherwise) if they would focus more on serving.  But greed and power are seductive in their nature.  Once you’ve sold your soul its very tough to turn back.

Here are few a tips to maximize serving others:

  1. Don’t create loyalties that prevent you from serving others…in business or private.
  2. Set priorities that give you the freedom to serve others.
  3. Study the life of leaders that were successful in serving.
  4. Get a mentor to keep you accountable.