In our careers (especially in America) we've been given the false impression that money equals security. In many ways, we've turned the impression into hyperbole.
Money can provide security-the temporary kind. But it lacks the cement that so many want it to be. How many times have you said to yourself; "once I pay this off" or "when the stock hits X, I'm going to cash-out." Something in you just feels better and safer at the thought. It's ok, we've all been guilty of doing this. A natural hope to say the least.
Sadly, we give so much attention to security of the temporary nature, that we ignore the security that matters-and lasts. Like the man or woman who complains of no career options, while three recruiters wait on hold. Our pursuits inside our careers and out may be the main culprits.
Here are what I consider to be the pursuits that provide long-term security:
- Your work. Not your employer or business (for the entrepreneurs). Your work goes wherever you go.
- Love (the real variety stays even when you find yourself on the outs).
- Your destiny. Once you find it, I can say this from experience, your destiny will never leave you alone.
- Perseverance. The vital element of a no-giving-up mindset.
- Faith. The belief in the unseen. The eyes that can see a better future.
The pursuits above will not be mastered overnight-in a career or life-and will create some short term pain. But I am an endorser who is living out the reality. Ironically, if you embraced the five pursuits above, you'd find all the money you need because your definition of value and security would be rightly ordered.
Go ahead and cross the Rubicon.