“I don’t know who I am because I’m too busy living what I’m expected to be.”
The quote above came to me not so long ago. It was born out of a conversation.
If you walk long enough you might see a trend. In your work, your church, your family there is an unspoken system at work. I don’t mean to be observant, but comfort is a fashionable drug.
Here’s where I’m going:
- Race through life to get to somewhere. A somewhere someone has already been
- See work as all-important and surrender identity
- Have faith in a tomorrow that you’re not able to guarantee
- Succeed at the unimportant, while failing at what matters
- Lie to yourself, over and over until it has an appearance of truth
Comfort is a funny thing. It allows you to hide, defend and fold. Your ability to displace comfort for the sake of your epic life, is a daunting task. It is especially daunting if you’ve made friends or peace with it.
If today is your “aha moment,” then move in such a way to turn around.