The Entrepreneur Connection

If you're not hanging out with other entrepreneurs (positive ones), you're crazy.  Don't mean to be so direct, but it really can help.  I've been discovering this in the last few weeks.  Big revelation, huh? 

The power is found in the connection.  You'll find you're not alone, which is often the case inside of an employment situation. Everyone is self-employed anyway.  That's why this is not just for the self-employed.  That's right, even if you're employed you should be doing all you can to connect with other like-minded folk.  The universe is too big to go it alone. 

And if you think of yourself as a freak or an outsider, you'll find other freaks and outsiders in these confines.  Don't be a best kept secret.

Don’t Be Charmed By Security

Even with the economic conditions here in the States, specifically the employment situation, many still seem to be charmed by security.  I'm alluding to security in the form of career/work.  Now certainly, some have all but concluded that security is a myth.  But I find many career/work pilgrims are disturbed by current trends.

I used to be in that group, but am now a freak of the not-so-weird variety.  Why?  I entered my period of mass disruption almost 4 years ago.  Back then many felt certain about the future.  Now…

Well, let's face it, life (all things in) has never been certain.  And that's part of our problem.  We bought the marketing message of "too big to fail."  I know we're better off with a sense of not taking anything for granted.  Especially since that's the way business and life were supposed to be conducted/lived.  Leaders of the highly developed nature know this to be true.

We just haven't done a good job at handling success and good times.

Now's the time to embrace uncertainty and insecure times.  Watch your values shift and find out what right alignment is all about.  I think the following might open up for you:

  1. God knows what he's doing.
  2. Family and relationships trump everything but #1.
  3. You don't need as much as you think (trust me, the economy will be ok).
  4. You'll demand more of your organization.  For example, your paid for your results, not your time.
  5. Taking a pay cut in order to do something impacting will seem right as rain.

The Problem With Small Getting Large

One of my favorite merchants in the town I live in, is not one of my favorites anymore.

They once were small and engaging, but now world domination seems to be the order of the day.  No more "we'll search and see if we can get it" or "haven't seen you in the store lately."  I miss being Eric to them. 

The problem with some entrepreneurs is they are trying to fill a void by being "uber-successful."  What is forgotten is what get's left behind-the customer.

By the way, the void above is rarely filled by getting large. 

I'm appreciating small these days.

Everyone Has A Story

I subscribe to the Pigg Pin because I need help in the garden.  Kevin dispenses in an understandable way, and I don't have to spend crazy amounts of time implementing the advice.

His post is more about his journey in life and entrepreneurism.  It's rooted in accidents and attraction, but one that I share on a different path.  I believe we all have something in common with Kevin.  Shame that so many spend a lifetime denying it.

Cheers to you if your living the dream, and to Kevin for the gardening and entrepreneur advice.

How Perception Can Lead To Reality

The above is a speech from Rory Sutherland.  He gives some veiled (pay close attention)advice on how to take what you are and do to a new level.

Have you thought about the implications of how you or your service/products are perceived today?  Have you asked anyone (customer, employee, vendor)?

The speech is about 20 minutes in length, but it will feel like 10.  The quote from G.K. Chesterton is powerful too.

There Are Many Reasons Why God Is Opposed To The Proud

Maybe you have heard the statement, or read the bible verse, about God being opposed to the proud.  Well, here are some reasons in our day and time that helps us understand why:

  1. Proud people don't give a _____ about you and I.
  2. Proud people tend to always want the credit.
  3. Proud people can not be trusted.
  4. If you're willing to listen, proud people will show their cards pretty quickly.
  5. Proud people will try to explain their dysfunction away.
  6. Proud people believe their humble.
  7. Proud people have a low reservoir of sympathy.
  8. Proud people are in your corner-when you're winning.
  9. Proud people aways see others as inferior.
  10. Proud people die lonely and alone.

Next time you engage with a person full of pride, tell them God is on defense.

By the way, pride is always knocking on your door.  Be careful.

Updates and Such

Thought I would inform you all of my wanderings:

  • Been working on a new model (for me anyway) to venture into.  Totally unrelated to Epic Living, except it has the "help" element.  Been a struggle and has taken longer than I expected.  I undertook this new venture to help stop the financial bleeding that Epic Living has been experiencing since the beginning of 2009.  Yes, I am not immune to the perfect storms of the American economy.
  • Been grieving more deeply about my dad and his absence.  This one is ongoing.  Can't deny the void, and I don't quite see what will grow from that right now. 
  • Trying to re-learn some of my family leadership roles.
  • Learning the heart of being-leadership versus doing-leadership.  A contrarian art if there ever was one.
  • Learning every day not to take anything for granted.  Seems that God really wants me to understand this.  My dealings with living and dying have awakened this sleeping giant.  I'm waking up every day looking for the gifts given from above, and then act upon them, even when they break my heart, don't make sense or cause me to be afraid.
  • Learning more about the honesty of wine-really.

More to come…

Why I Write-Updated

Thought it was important to update this post.  Originally written in 2008, it's a daily reminder that trust is important in words-written or spoken.

"I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor.  What I have in my heart must come out, that is why I compose."

                              -Ludwig Von Beethoven

You may not need this post, but I'm going to proceed anyway.  In the blogging world many talk about how to increase subscribers, increase hits/page views, or how to monetize the blog itself.  Each of those efforts have merit.  But why should someone who blogs want results like an increase in subscribers?  I think many of us in the blogosphere have missed something in our motivations.

In a celebrity obsessed culture it is easy to get carried away by attention and notoriety.  We forget what an authentic following means versus momentary infatuation.  You could have a thousand subscribers, but does that really mean that something is being flipped?  I don't think so.  In my last days in corporate America I had a number of people who were "subscribers."  Funny thing though, when I was escorted out my subscriber list fell dramatically.  Did my ideas change?  Did my expertise diminish?  No, to all of those things and more.  But my cache did.

So when I write (books, columns or blog posts) I make sure it comes from my heart.  That way I can sleep at night knowing I didn't write in order to make a sale for a sale's sake.  Believe me I had enough posing and posturing in corporate America to last me two lifetimes.  No sense in resurrecting those tired positions for the sake of numbers.  Besides, I really want change to be my partner.

If you're writing/communicating through a blog or some other portal, give people authentic content.