Are You Ready?

These days many young leaders are promoted to greater positions of power quicker than ever.  It is not unusual for someone in their early forties to hold a senior leadership post in a major organization.  I've often wondered can they truly be ready for so much power.  Though some are, sadly many are not.  Why?  More than likely they've never had a constellation of advisers/mentors, and/or they've never had someone whose walked a few miles teach them about power, ethics and courage. 

As I've evaluated my own path, I've tried to remember that you must handle the small before you can handle the big.  In my past I once had an HR representative declare that they would teach a series of leadership classes (more management than anything).  I found that somewhat ironic since she couldn't handle returning phone calls in a timely manner. 

And so it goes, we crave power and all the trimmings, but we forget about the span and the impact.  

The Why In Preparation


Many think that preparing begins after opportunity knocks, even those gurus that say preparation should start well before. In a time where things are changing rapidly and many disruptions have begun without the average person knowing, it's a dangerous game to put off preparation. So what say you? When should preparation begin?

It begins now. The age of predictability is over.

I've failed many times. More than I care to remember. One thing is clear though, even after I've wondered why bothering was worth it, all of my preparation was not wasted. The key ingredient in embracing opportunities is the preparation. It's like smelling salts for your senses so that you can see all the opportunities flowing around and through you everyday.

It will hurt and you will have to fight your fears. This is after all the why in preparation.