Some Thoughts On Improv In Business

In my early days of musicianship (I'm still a musician) I really become fond of improvisation.  There was something magnetic about creating without a "script."  Not to mention, when you had to make a change because the performance demanded it. 

This post came to me from Rose over at  It's an extensive list of why improv matters in your business life.  I think it's also applicable to your personal life too. 

What Others May Not See


What if you're the guy or gal who has decided to embrace change, even if you're not sure what that change may bring?  I applaud you if you are.  It's healthy and the life you want is paved with your willingness to move forward.

How about those that decide not to go with you?  Not a huge deal when it's the co-worker who likes to gossip or the brother-in-law that seems to think he has the best plan for your life.  But when it's someone you love or someone you call a friend it can stop you in your steps.  You might even think about going back to Egypt.  A place you think, even if it was miserable, as a safer bet with no resistance.

From my own experience it is never easy to change.  And conversly it is not easy for those that are watching or playing a part in your motion picture-your life.  Your changes may be a source of discomfort, construed as a violation of a committment you supposedly made, or like the fool who believes only the stuff flowing through their head, you refuse to be the person they define you to be.

Here's what I've done so far to manage what others may not see on my journey:

  1. Let go.
  2. Open my eyes up so that I can see new friends (thank you Marc, Ed, Anna, Mike).
  3. Give those who are trying to stick with you a chance(s).  Not everyone moves at the same pace, but they must be moving.
  4. Remember, the world need the person you're becoming.
  5. Don't expect applause, don't think you can change people, and it accept that some relationships were intended for only a season.


The Danger Of Professional Arrogance


First, you could change the title of this post to "The Danger of Personal Arrogance" if you so desired.

When you have a enough time in your rear-view mirror you can soberly look at your past.  If you're like me, you have had enough experiences to have a track record/history.  You can see what you missed as well as what went wonderfully when you look back-don't stay there too long though.

I was warned at an early stage in my career to avoid arrogance.  It was a poison many advised.  I did a decent job of heeding their advice.  But like any human being, I took my share of poison pills.  Some people and organizations were hurt by my arrogance.  Some applauded with a knife ready to pierce my back, while others figured I'd find my way back home.  And yes, my arrogance was fueled by my power and success.

Now that I've set the context, I'd like you to consider the following:

  1. This is big!  Arrogance robs you of the opportunities to find the things/people that can  help you figure out some of your problems and mystries.
  2. Arrogance lives on the same street as power and success.  Doesn't mean that power and success are bad, just means you shouldn't invite them all over for a Super Bowl party.
  3. When arrogance starts to grow in you, your learning starts to atrophy/die.  This can be reversed but like most things, the longer you wait the tougher it is to change.
  4. Arrogance assures loneliness.  Even if hundred's of people smile and cater to you, the reality is they really don't care.
  5. The chances of living an Epic Life dwindles significantly.  When arrogance takes hold, you'll find yourself too concerned about your "press" and not your legacy.
  6. Arrogance convinces you that you have to be "better than" in order to be safe and protected.  In short, a lie.

What You Leave Behind Shapes Your Tomorrow

Your history is shaping your future.  Not uncontrollably, but subtley and deliberately.  Has a lot to do with our choices.

We really are a motion picture.  Hollywood can only touch the tip of a life's iceberg.

You're not one of those that says; "so what" are you?

A lot of people are now faced with multiple, multiple paths and crossroads.  Whether it's financial, career, family or social, it all adds up to confusion.  Who do you trust?  How do you know how to trust?  Often people just guess and hope it turns out okay.  History is riddled with folks who found those guesses produced nothing but regret.

There is an opportunity to course correct or to begin again.  It won't be easy and it won't be free.  But when did easy and fee get you to a better future?

If you want to know the solutions, then contact me to begin the journey and learn how Epic Living can help.

Your Life The Symphony


Please view the above video, it provides a necessary context for this post.  You may not be a fan of Peter Cetera or Chicago, but hopefully you can appreciate what goes into the making of art and craft.

I love this song and have for many years.  The version in the video clip captures an artist who owns the work.  Unmistakable, how Mr. Cetera delivers something he birthed in 1976.  I imagine he had some say in how the song would be arranged and performed.  I imagine he had some say in who would perform the work of art as well.  You have a lot of power when a gift is in your hands.

After I found this clip, and listened to it a number of times, I couldn't help but see the similarities in the form of a life living and lived.  It gave me urgency around living out my Epic Life.  It made me stand back in awe of what the gift of life means…what it implies for all of us.  Do you know that your life is unfolding before your very eyes?  Do you understand that this is happening whether you choose to participate or not?

I want my life to be as beautiful and brilliant (like the sun) as the sound of a symphony.  Every instrument coming together to be somehting that could never be accomplished alone.  To be a voice that, if even faint, would be missed inside of something so beautiful.

I want the above for you as well.  My mission, my movement is to help you craft an Epic Life.

What I Do For Health And Fitness

The following is a typical day in my life relating to my health and fitness:

  • Running, strength training and Yoga (this group rotates depending on the day and goes for an hour)
  • Green tea (cold), oatmeal and coffee
  • Soy/Protein shake with fruit
  • Omelet w/tablespoon of cheese and salsa, soy and flax tortilla chips, flavored water
  • Yogurt wi/walnuts, granola, fruit (berries)
  • Deep breathes (easy to forget)
  • Green tea (cold), almonds
  • Lean meat, spinach and/or salad, some type of complex carb, 1-2 glasses of red wine
  • Dark chocolate
  • Apple

OK, now that I've given you what a day in my health and fitness life looks like, I thought I would give you a list of my weaknesses.  I am human after all.

  • Chocolate (all varieties and applications)
  • Sugar Cookies
  • Apple Crisp
  • Regular tortilla chips
  • Egg Nog
  • Pizza

I do indulge from time-to-time, but the first list is my "everyday habit." 

So why do I bother?  I've been given this gift of life and I want to take care of it.  I also have enough years of totally disregarding my health to know it's important to not take anything for granted.



A Few Of My Favorite iPhone Apps

I've been an iPhone user for almost a year.  I currently using the iPhone 4.  The device has made a positive impact on my work and personal life.

The following is a list of the apps I like most:

  1. YouVersion – My Bible app of choice.  Very functional and user-focused.
  2. TweetDeck – Great for my updates on Twitter and Facebook.  Everything is right before your eyes.
  3. Facebook – Allows me to stay connected to my Facebook account wherever I am.
  4. Milebug – Great app for keeping track of all of those business miles.
  5. Gist – A tool that consolidates news from the people I follow on various social networks.
  6. CNBC – All the financial news and information I need.  Bloomberg is good too.
  7. Entrepreneur – The app from Entrepreneur Magazine.  Great to have access to interesting articles when I'm not in front of my notebook computer.
  8. Cor.Kz – This app keeps track of the wines I love and has a great database for search needs.
  9. Nutrition Menu – An app for keeping track of what I eat and the nutritional value.
  10. Nke+ GPS – A great tool for my running.  Keeps me informed on my time, distance and the routes I take.
  11. iFitness – An app that has helped my fitness plan in spades.  A very interactive app.
  12. ESPN ScoreCenter – This app lets me stay updated on the scores and stats of the teams I follow.
  13. Pandora – A good app that has help me find music that I had forgotten.

I'm sure I could list more, but these are the ones that stand out.  By the way, the phone calling is much improved over the 3Gs version.


Yesterday’s Post

Just so you know, yesterday's post was a "re-post" from early 2008.  I forgot to note that.

It's important to look back and get a glimpse of your thinking at a certain point in time…only way to connect the dots.

Viva La Vida and Power


This video is from a song by Coldplay.  Maybe you've heard it before.  But have you had the chance to read the lyrics?  Take a look:

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world

It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become

Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

One thought occurred to me this morning (very early); what if power is best understood once its been lost.  Maybe when you're powerless you gain the sweet awareness of what it all meant.  Sounds like the writer of Viva La Vida understood this.

In our time humilty is something we say we admire, but rarely do we want to actually, authenically, live it out.  There's still a bit of mental stigma with the whole idea.  Not many messages out there about letting someone or something else go first.  Sadly, we often crave to be number one and in-turn crave power.

What if power is a wild beast that can only be handled by people who understand its ferrious nature and all the dangers accordingly?  What if power is subtle and can sneak up on you after you've stop paying attention?

Here are some points to consider around power:

  1. Don't be fooled by all the treasure power can bring.  It can go as fast as it came.
  2. More organizations should require all managers to take a class/workshop on power.  I conduct these, so I am ready.
  3. Power can be a great tool to help.
  4. Power in the hands of arrogant and reckless people creates chaos.
  5. Learn humility.


Aspiring To What’s Not Really There

Very easy these days to want success, fame and fortune.  I mean who wouldn't want that?  When the economy is not performing like we want or we're knocking on the door of landing a prized client, it kind of justifies our pursuit.  An understandable discontent to be sure.

But it's an illusion.  Think of it like a golden carrot that's always one step out of our reach.  And just like a drug, we keep coming back for more.  We always find an excuse for what we know deep down is true. 

In my experience what we aspire to should be Real and within our reach.  That implies that we can aspire to the wrong things.  And the wrong things create a question of trustworthiness.

Can you be trusted with the vision given to you?  Can you be trusted with the aspiration that comes along with?

The following are some tough questions to ask as you consider:

  1. Are you involved in things bigger than yourself?
  2. Can you be content even when nothing seems to break your way?
  3. Do you have a desire to find your limits?
  4. If you died today, what and how big would the void be?
  5. Do you have to "take" in-order to win?
  6. What charms you?
  7. Is there anyone besides God who knows all of your secrets?
  8. If you have attained some level of success, fame and fortune, could you walk away from it?
  9. If everyone you knew, and loved, recommended you give up, could you continue the journey anyway?
  10. Have you rejected comfort?