In the age of #metoo, I wanted let you in on my hope for my son.
In the age of #metoo, I wanted let you in on my hope for my son.
I've chronicled some of my struggles with the entrepreneur path before, but this post is about the often forgotten beauty of it.
My son is the benefactor here. He was born in the midst of my runnings in the corporate world. He was 4 1/2 when I left. He probably doesn't remember much about the type of man I was in those years of tossing and turning. His reference point of me is during the entrepreneur years. He may have gotten some insight into what running a business looks like. But the following is what I pray he caught:
I can't be certain (at least not now) if he has embraced the above list. But it's what I've modeled over the last 6 years-on purpose and by accident. And as I will certainly face times ahead where I will wonder if this path I've chosen is worth it, I will know he is.