The Well-Being Guide is now officially out. If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, you can here.
I’m writing today to explain why I wrote the book and to ask for your help. So here goes:
- I wrote the book for people (most all of us) who are living much of their lives at work. You know much of my journey, so it’s probably not a surprise to read that. I want the book to be a tool to help, encourage, reflect, and even disrupt.
- I need your help to spread the word. If the book resonates with you, then I need help in getting others to “get what you got.” The tools to do the spreading range from social media to a direct conversation with a friend needing some direction.
- My main goal, is to get employers (small to large) to buy the book for their employees. I can provide a decision-maker with a copy of the book and the organization can buy the book direct for volume pricing.
Reach out to me directly (comments section of the blog, email or phone) with questions or to discuss how you can help.
I appreciate you all.