In Praise of the Health Plan

I know you've been pounded about your financial plan…Wall Street is very  good about doing that.  The equally important question is; do you have a Physical Health Plan?  You know what I mean, that plan of keeping your weight in-line, aerobic exercise, strength training, and sensible eating. 

Let ne guess, your financial planner hasn't said a word about it.  And of course, Wall Street hasn't been running ads about the importance of physical health planning.

One of my doctors (I have 3) told me his passion around this and I'm with him.  You can view his site here.

I hope I will do him proud with the following list of reasons to have a Physical Health Plan:

  1. Since you're planning out for retirement, shouldn't you plan to be as healthy as possible?  Poor health will cost you in money and time.
  2. Your body was designed to be healthy and functioning at a high level.
  3. You'll feel better when you exercise and eat right.
  4. There are people (trainers, authors, magazines) who can help you on your journey.  You are not alone.
  5. Food and drinks that are bad for you are that way for a reason.
  6. Any career that requires you to sacrifice your health is an assassin and an enemy.
  7. If you make excuses, you've just validated the importance of having good health plan.
  8. You don't need to be like an air-brushed model to be in great shape.
  9. Your body was designed to move, so get going.
  10. The first 4-6 weeks will feel like hell, but once you get through that period, things will go your way.

8 Areas For Your Attention And Commitment

What if you gave five minutes to your 8 key areas of life today? 

It's 1:12 PM EST where I'm at, so for those of my subscribers in Europe and Asia you should apply this on your next day.  But for the rest of us, we can fit this in today.

We're talking 5 minutes.  A total of 40 minutes out of 24 hours.

Here are the areas:

  1. Body
  2. Mind
  3. Spirit
  4. Money
  5. Career
  6. Learning
  7. Family
  8. Social

I fully understand that your career is getting 8 or more hours of your attention, but the point is not perfection or equal distribution of time.  The point is attention and commitment to your whole life.  I'm recommending starting small in-order to find great.  I believe with some effort and desire you might find out how precious your life really is.

Leave a comment and let the community know how your experiment went.