Much talk these days on how to make work more meaningful and finding meaning/fulfillment at work. I don’t believe it can be found…not at work anyway. Rest assured, meaning can be found in life. But work was never meant to be the destination. Work was one type of vehicle designed to move you to that place of meaning. True meaning begins with God and flows from there.
I hope I haven’t shocked or disappointed you with the above, but its the secret of my success. Start with Who made you and then live out what you were made for. How could anything be more meaningful than living out what you were designed to do/be?
When you get this right inside, here are a some things that occur:
- You’ll understand what is truly important.
- That glass of Merlot will taste that much better.
- Every love song will make you cry.
- The sight of newborn child will be awe inspiring.
- You’ll discover that serving is better than being served.
- The painful times will be gifts, not debts to be paid.
- You’ll really understand that people and relationships are what make organizations great.
- Legacy will be important to you.
- You’ll value authenticity.
- Each sunset will remind you that God is an artist.