In our frenzied culture the idea of upfront pain (specifically in one’s destiny pursuits) is not often discussed. If you don’t believe me, then steer a conversation that way at a neighborhood get together. You’ll notice the facial expressions change…almost immediately. A look of dread or skepticism could be one of the reactions you’d get.
I admire those who are willing to accept upfront pain.
The type of upfront pain I speak of would be like a new musician practicing scales…over and over again while wondering when they’ll ever play something enchanting. Maybe the high school teacher who wants to connect with her students, but feels like everyday is full of resistance. Many give up when confronted with these types of circumstances.
Upfront pain is the entrance exam/password to enter greatness. Meet someone that has experienced and dealt with upfront pain, and you’ll find someone who is authentic. That’s because they know nothing worth doing comes easy.
Don’t be fooled by our media that tries to convince you that life is a pain-free offer. They may not say it openly, but just look at the messages that are sent through various information portals. They’re not talking about pain and sacrifice.
Shying away from upfront pain is the first step in giving up.
Don’t give up…