Walking in the Customer’s Shoes

Guy Kawasaki has a great post today about The Top Ten Ways to Hinder Market Adaption.  I learned a few things for my online pursuits, but I also came away encouraged that someone else in the universe feels my same frustration.  This pertains to the mind-numbing approach that some companies take in making it "easy" for customers to interact with said company.

I have been outspoken about corporate America’s failure in producing leaders.  Guy’s examples are fitting with my critique.  Why would you make it hard for customers to do business (however you measure that)?  Security…online or otherwise?  You can make a customer happy and still be secure.  If you can’t, you probably are soon to be out of business.

Great leaders understand that you begin with the end and then work your way back.  In other words, the customer’s happiness back to their entrance (online or in-person) to your business. 

These principles are pretty simple, but you have to be able to see it.