Once heard a great speaker warn an audience about turning 50. The audience was made up of and directed toward men. The warning was basically wrapped around the loss of energy and urgency that descends on a person when they hit 50. He also highlighted the emergence of passivity. I shutter at the thought of what that says about the majority of senior level executives in America today, but I’ll save my thoughts on that for another post.
This issue is one I’ve observed inside of for-profit and non-profit organization alike. It usually means the person has settled and has stopped dreaming. It cripples people in the enterprise and people (usually customers) outside it…not to mention families.
Sadly, our entertainment industry has created a type of drug that perpetuates the problem. People become more interested in leisure, pleasure and luxury, which deadens the senses. Senses that are vital in navigating through the entire story of life…not just the first-half. When we become spectators and audiences, we cease to be interested in playing our part in destiny.
So if you’re 40 or about ready to cross-over to 50, consider evaluating on the following:
- Start accelerating in all aspects of life (for me that means God, family, my health, friends, passions).
- Stop pursuing entertainment (television, sporting events, etc.) so much. Cut it in half and begin investing in your mental, physical and spiritual health.
- Increase the amount of reading (specifically books) you do.
- Turn off the information machines (computer, PDA, Blackberry, etc.) for one day every week (Sunday works well for me).
- Don’t rationalize that you don’t have time. Your life depends on it!
- Don’t confuse net-worth with self-worth. Many people are extremely unhappy because of this mistake.
- Start dreaming again…keep dreaming if the shoe fits.