You’ve heard adults joke about knowing what they want to do when they grow up. Often these are folks around my age (close to forty) who say this. Do you realize that there are organizations (profit and non-profit) that are really in this situation. They’re wandering in the desert, and have been for some time. The organization’s survival is rooted in the kindness of the market or plain old-fashioned luck.
Individuals and organizations don’t have the kind of time they think they do. Individuals grow old and at some point lack the tolerance for risk. Organizations also grow old and "stuck," and lack the desire to change and grow. The individual fades and the business ceases to be relevant.
I offer no anecdotes for the business enterprise, besides destroying the culture and starting over. If the lightness of starting over scares you to inaction, then your organization is probably already extinct. The individual has a greater chance of a turn around. Most human beings don’t owe allegiance to stock analysts. Therefore, you can choose to change based off of need. Now don’t forget that humans hate change, so it is a difficult endeavor. But five years ago I changed, and what a difference life is now.