Why Personal Vision Matters (Part II)

I know a number of people in the mortgage banking business who are going through some very tumultuous times right now.  My prayers go out to them and their families.  There are a lot more people I don’t know in the mortgage banking business who are in same boat (see this article from MarketWatch.com) as the people I know. 

So what does this have to do with vision?  Everything!  Vision is not just seeing all the upside and happy.  It’s also seeing the downside and the not-so rosy picture.  How else can we navigate through (not around)?  If we only see things going our way, then we won’t be very good at dealing with the tough times.

Ever notice how often we talk about handling tough times when we’re right in the thick of it?  We’re like those companies that believe that markets will never fail us.  Or worse, the "it’ll never happen to me lie."  Casting vision when the storm is on you is very difficult.  By that time your fears have overrun you.

Not here to tell you to look for doom and gloom, but I am here to tell you the following:

  1. Tough times will come.
  2. A vision of how to deal with tough times is something that will serve you well.
  3. Stay away from churches, authors, speakers, organizations that tell you that you can have a problem-free life.  See Jesus’ thoughts on "trouble in this life."
  4. Read Nelson Mandela’s autobiography.
  5. Stay positive through whatever storm you experience.

Is today the day you will start looking at the entire picture of life and work?