Winning and Losing

I was asked yesterday by a friend what makes the lessons we learn "stick."  Obviously, that depends on the person and their will to make a change.  But one of the most powerful tools for making a lesson stick is losing. What!  Yes, losing is a teacher that should not be ignored.

It is clear to me that no one wants to lose.  It can be embarrassing, frustrating and downright painful.  But the principle remains; losing teaches us in ways that winning doesn’t.  By the way, I hope and expect The Ohio State University football team to win tomorrow!

I wrote earlier this week about a new film titled "A Good Year."  Here is the link to the film’s site.  Click on the video link and look at the trailer titled "Tennis."  It won’t give away the story…go see the movie for that.  But it does illustrate well what I mean about losing. 

So what are some of the by-products of this process?  Here are some that have taken root in my own life:

  1. Our greatest loss can be the source of our greatest awakening.
  2. Others can be influenced mightily by our story…if we’re willing to tell it.
  3. You find out who really loves you when you lose.
  4. The opportunity to lead with character (not position) appears in front of you.
  5. Managing your life becomes vital